THIS PROJECT IS VERY BUGGY! And most of it doesn't work to be honest.

WASD to move, E to interact, and mouse for everything else

This demo was made for Godot Wild Jam #66. It adapts the following themes:

Escape: The point of the game is to escape the singular room it takes place in by defeating the opponent, although it isn't actually possible to escape.
Wild card 1, Here Comes the Sun: The Sun is a playable card in the game with negative effects for both sides, depending on when you play it.
Wild card 2, Think Inside the Box: Again, this game takes place in a singular room.

Wild card 3, Betrayal: The card game features a unique mechanic in which both sides switch hands and benches every three turns. This can lead to unique strategies in which you might attempt to assist your side while impeding the other.

This game is very unfinished and very full of bugs, but I'm happy with what I accomplished and I learned a lot. Feel free to try it out yourself, but again it is VERY buggy.


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What are the controls? I can only walk around 

Sorry about that! It's E to interact. I've updated the description to include controls.